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March 27, 2024

The Great American Public Restroom: A Comical Horror Story

The Great American Public Restroom: A Comical Horror Story


Prepare yourself, dear readers, for a comical rant about the state of public restrooms in America. In this blog post, we'll dive into the uncharted depths of the great American public restroom, where cleanliness, privacy, and etiquette are more often missing than present. We'll share our own bathroom horror stories and provide a survival guide for navigating this often-dreaded experience. So, grab your hazmat suit and let's venture into the uncharted territory of public restrooms!

Tales from the Porcelain Throne

Every person has their own unique bathroom horror story, and we've certainly had our fair share. From overflowing toilets and broken stalls to lurking lurkers and mysterious smells, public restrooms have a way of leaving an unforgettable mark on our memories.

One particularly memorable incident occurred in a mall restroom. As we entered a stall, the sickening smell of stale urine hit us like a brick wall. The toilet, adorned with ominous yellow stains, looked as if it hadn't been cleaned in weeks. Just as we were about to flee, a pair of eyes peered over the stall door, giving us the creeps and sending us running for the exit.

The Etiquette Enigma

Etiquette in public restrooms is a topic that deserves its own chapter in a horror novel. From the silent standoff over the last toilet paper roll to the awkward dance of avoiding eye contact, it's a social minefield where anything can happen.

One unwritten rule of restroom etiquette is to never make eye contact with anyone. This silent agreement is in place to maintain a sense of privacy and avoid any awkwardness. However, there are always those who break this sacred code, sending shivers down our spines.

Tips for Navigating the Public Restroom Labyrinth

To survive the horrors of public restrooms, we've compiled a list of tips to help you emerge unscathed:

  • Always check the stall before entering: This crucial step can save you from an encounter with unexpected horrors.
  • Carry hand sanitizer or wipes: These are your first line of defense against germs lurking on surfaces.
  • Be prepared for the worst: Keep a tissue or toilet paper in your pocket to wipe down the seat or cover a broken one.
  • Use headphones: This will block out the sounds of other patrons and help you focus on your own business.
  • Avoid peak hours: Public restrooms tend to be less crowded and cleaner during off-peak hours.

A Plea for Bathroom Common Decency

As we approach the conclusion of our comical rant, we issue a desperate plea for bathroom common decency. Let's work together to create a more civilized and sanitary public restroom experience. From flushing after using the toilet to disposing of paper towels in the trash, every small act of consideration makes a big difference.

Remember, public restrooms are a shared space that we all have to use. By respecting each other's right to privacy, cleanliness, and comfort, we can transform these often-dreaded places into something a little less horrifying.


Our journey into the depths of public restrooms has been a laughter-filled and cringe-worthy adventure. While we may have encountered some truly horrifying experiences, we believe that with a little bit of common courtesy and a few survival tips, we can make public restrooms a place where we can all relieve ourselves in relative peace and comfort.

If you're curious to hear more about our bathroom horror stories and the inspiration behind this blog post, be sure to check out our latest episode of the "Your Daddy's Home: Time to Play" podcast at https://www.notwellpodcast.com/your-daddys-home-time-to-play/.

Thank you for reading our blog. Until next time, may your public restroom experiences be filled with cleanliness, privacy, and a touch of humor!